Extra Special Bitter
Beer type
Top fermented
Beer description
The ESB is a well-balanced chestnut to copper-colored ale with a decent malt base and hop notes of tangerine and orange in the finish, typical of this beer style. Like its predecessors, the Pax edition is also brewed using a one-time infusion mashing process: this means that the malt grist is stirred into the mash water at a temperature of over 65 °C and then, as the name implies, is sugared for a long time at this temperature with constant stirring. The malts used are Pilsner, Munich, CARARED and dark caramel malt. The Saazer, Aurora and Manadrina hop varieties provide an authentic hop aroma.
Saazer aromatic hop, Aurora aromatic hop, Mandarina Bavaria aromatic hop
Wieder ein originelles Bier aus der Pax Brauerei. Vom Geruch sehr stark nach Hopfen, von Geschmack her nicht ganz so stark, dennoch ist der hopfige Geschmack im Vordergrund wie es …
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Goldendry Extra Special Bitter
Das ESB ist wohl einer der britischten Bierstile.
Für das frische Hopfenaroma sorgen die Sorten
Aurora, Mandarina und Saazer.