You can spit on my pickup truck, call my Ma a lousy whore
Leave a flamin' bag of dogshit outside my trailer door
But don't go messin' with my Pabst Blue Ribbon
'Cause then you gone…
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Blue Ribbon winner
Sticks and Stones
3. Dec 24
Delicious American Beer. Light color, thin foam. Easy simple drinkable... all summer long while fishing up nort.
19. Nov 24
Sehr gutes Industriebier
A standard but decent lager.
18. Aug 24
The nose is a strong barley. The taste is a sweet crisp barley that has a slight aftertase. It's a straight forward & easy to drink brew. Not bad.
10. Aug 24
Es kann seine deutschen Wurzeln nicht leugnen, schmeckt wie ein klassisch Bayrisch Helles.