The idea for the "Edition bier.pur" was born back in 2008. Year after year, another Austrian brewery was invited to develop an unusual beer specialty together with Sepp Wejwar (Der Biersepp). It all began in the year nine with a barley wine from the Hofstetten country brewery. The beautiful tradition is now being continued: the edition bier.pur 2017 is a beer from the Ottakringer brewery, sparkled by Kattus. The Ottakringer Brewery is always a good choice due to its extremely high quality standards. However, there was an additional reason to address the Viennese brewers this year. In autumn 2016, Ottakringer was named the best brewery in Europe as part of the most important beer tasting competition, the 'European Beer Star'. In addition, Ottakringer is celebrating its 180th company anniversary in 2017.
Vierfach vergorenes Kreativbier. Schon das Öffnen der Flasche macht Spaß. Es ploppt laut, der Kork fährt -Zack-aus. Vorsicht beim Einschenken, es schäumt!
Der Schaum zerfällt la…