Are you ready for the next level of bitterness? Incredible amounts of the finest hop varieties lead to a theoretical bitter level of 200 IBU (International Bitter Unit). Theoretically, because we are above bitterness and above the human perception limit of approx. 100 IBU. The incredible amounts of hops also bring a lot of aroma and lead to enormous citrus-fruity waves that flood the palate. The hop oils cover the throat and each sip leads to a new bitter, long-lasting layer. Expand your limits of bitterness, the name says it all! Due to the wasteful use of hops and the persistent shortage of hops, only seasonally brewed only once a year.
In ya face! So haut das Ding um sich. Wer mal was richtig freakiges probieren will trink dieses Bier. Bäämmm!
The Big Equalizer
2. Feb 19
Gerade ein gutes Bier getrunken und jetzt braucht es einen Neustart?
Gelangweilt von Bier und einfach Mal in die Fresse haun?
200 IBUs und die Leinwand ist wieder weiß.