A distinctive hoppy note from whole natural hops hop determines the aromatic, finely tuned taste and the typical smell. Mildherb flows over the tongue and sounds round. Its straw-yellow, brightly shining, brilliant color under the snow-white head of foam owes the bottom-fermented Lammsbräu EdelPils to Lammsbräu's own malt. An ideal aperitif as it stimulates your appetite with its hop bitterness. On the label you can read: "Straw yellow, bright and glossy clear, crowned by a fine-pored, snow-white foam, distinct hops notes are recognizable in the taste, pleasantly refreshing, the bitter appearance of the hops is very round in the after-drink." The ideals drinking temperature: 7-10 ° C
Leichte herbe Bitterkeit. Dafür bleibt der Hopfen überraschend lange im Mund.
Lammsbräu Zzzisch Bio Pils
26. Jan 25
Farbe sehr helles strohgelb, fast blass klar
Schaum weiss, Menge geht gerade so, mittelporig, nicht stabil
Duft sehr hopfenherb
Geschmack weniger herb als der Duft verspricht, son…
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25. Jan 25
Is tmm
19. Jan 25
Super angenehme Hopfennote mit leichter Bittere. Lecker Pils.