With a foam crown one is not really spoiled with this beer. At least the finger-thick fine- to medium-pored foam adheres well to the glass, but is less stable and so disappeared after a few moments. In terms of color, the beer is a golden yellow dream. Clear and glossy, it shines out of the glass and makes a real visual pleasure. Very sweet honey notes in the nose, fruity light citrus and pineapple and only subtle grainy notes determine the aroma. The sweetness determines also the Antrunk with grassy notes at first still keep in the background, but in the course clearly increase. The carbonic acid tingles very fine but intense at the tip of the tongue. Not quite so recent but with a good drinkability in the middle section. Alcohol notes begin to work in harmony with an ever sharper emerging bitter hops. This succeeds well, but gives the beer a tasteful turn. The alcohol notes remain in the after-drink, the bitter hops weakens slightly and leaves back grassier notes.
Karamellig-volelr Geruch, im Antrunk eher mild, volles Karamell, überlagert von dezenter Frucht, eher trocken mit guter Bittere, recht kurzer, herber Abgang. Ganz gut.