According to some, humanity is born with a built-in urge to do bad things. In that spirit, they tried to do something good when they designed this beer, using a massive malt base to create depth and complexity with the right amount of roasted malt and caramel notes. Upon that base they layered more than twice the amount of cocoa nibs that they've ever used in a beer before, along with a healthy dose of vanilla. What came out of the tank is a full-on dark chocolate parade for the palate – combining accents of milk chocolate, vanilla, and freshly roasted coffee with a deeply, rich cocoa coating for the entire mouth.
Tiefschwarz und blickdicht im Glas. Der dunkelbraune Schaum ist innerhalb von 5 Sekunden weg.
Es riecht nach süßer Schokolade. Auch Vanille recht deutlich in der Nase. Der Zusatz …
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Überraschend lieblich
26. Nov 23
👁️ dunkel wie die Nacht, kein Schaum
👃 Bitterschokolade, sehr intensiv
👅 überraschend süßlich, die 13.5% sind auch gar nicht sooo schmeckbar, Vanille schmeckt man such heraus, n…