Pick a well-chilled can from your fridge and come with us to the garden of blissful beer connoisseurs. Here, everything is in abundance! Barely poured into the glass, intoxicatingly fruity notes of lychee, orange, and passion fruit are revealed. The 25% high percentage of oat malt not only makes this Double IPA typically cloudy, but also gives it a heavenly creamy and almost smooth texture on the palate. With the second sip, a fine hop bitterness comes along. It is not dominant, but balances the abundant multi-fruit aromas and brings some herbal nuances. Sit back, immerse yourself: Return to EDEN.
Unter dem Label Beer Machine präsentiert Lemke das DIPA Return To Eden.
Im Glas zeigt sich das DIPA in trüben Goldgelb. Der üppige feinporige Schaum ist sehr stabil.
Super fruchti…