Citra, Simcoe, and Sabro do what they are supposed to do: they seduce you with a heavenly aroma of tropical fruits. Pineapple, coconut, passion fruit, a hint of citrus. Definitely a preview of summer.
The Kveik yeast has left only a little residual extract and brings the fruit notes to the forefront. And even though there is a lot of hops in here, we have only a delicate 15 bitterness units. Eva & Adam is beautifully dry, fresh, juicy, and at 5.7% alcohol, extremely good and easily drinkable again and again.
Das Bier "Adam und Eva" von der Brauerei Lemke ist ein belgisches Strong Ale, das in einer trüben, orangefarbenen Optik mit einer feinporigen, cremigen Schaumkrone daherkommt. Die …