The spray beats in the face, the roaring wind ruffles the hair, the work on board is hard and exhausting. Mariners used the shore leave to escape the sea at least for a short time. Hamburg's beer tradition is closely linked to the Hanseatic League. Already 500 years ago beer was exported from Hamburg. Landgang creates his Pilsner in honor of the sailors, who are closely associated with the Hanseatic city of Hamburg. An honest and balanced Pils. Fine roasted malt aromas and a gentle bitterness. This beer is brewed as a reminder of this important part of Hamburgs history.
Gemischtporige, mäßig stabile Schaumkrone, klare goldgelbe Farbe; in der Nase frisch mit leicht zitrisch-fruchtigem und dezent grasigem Hopfen; im Mund mit schlankem Körper, relati…
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30. Jan 25
Schaum fällt in sich zusammen...fruchtig aber blass...tut mir leid. Nicht meins
Hopfenkoffer 2024
Werner Schlegl
25. Jan 25
Aus dem Hopfenkoffer XXL (2024) von Kalea entnommen (12 Biere).
18. Jan 25
Für mich persönlich : genau so muss ein Pils schmecken