OHO! — THAT'S THE NAME OF OUR NEW ALKOHO!FREE. A BEER WE DESIGNED AND DEVELOPED FROM THE SCRATCH. A BEER WITHOUT ALCOHOL, BUT WITH LOTS OF "OHOS" It starts with the selection of the raw materials. Here we only process the best organic raw materials, where possible, from regional cultivation. The energy required to craft the Oho! comes from 100% regenerative sources and compared to the "conventional" brewing of a non-alcoholic beer, we only need a fraction of it. For this we use a special brewing process that uses a special yeast. This allows practically no alcohol to be produced during fermentation, which would otherwise have to be extracted from the beer afterwards with a great deal of energy and water consumption. Important vitamins and trace elements remain unfiltered in our Oho! contain. A liter Oho! covers, for example, the daily requirement of vitamin B12. Our organic hops, which we add in comparatively large quantities - about three times as much - to the storage tank during "dry hopping", a gentle dry hopping process, provide another "Oho". This gives the beer its finely tart aroma and leaves all the valuable and health-promoting substances that the hops bring with them in the beer. With 22 kcal / 100 ml, our Oho! a light & sparkling fruity beer pleasure that makes you want more and more fun. A non-alcoholic treat with a full beer taste! Then we drink one... or two - "Zum Woho!l".
Ein kaltgehopftes alkoholfreies Bier. Es ist spannend sich auch durch die Auswahl alkoholfreier Biere zu probieren. Erster Geschmack nach Hopfen, blumig, grasig, leicht herb. Kann …
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26. Sep 24
Ist nicht so meins
Beertaster Roland
1. Sep 24
"Oje" hätte wohl besser gepasst.
Leicht naturtrüb mit anfangs schöner Schaumkrone (die sich relativ schnell auflöst) präsentiert sich das Alkoholfreie im Glas. Undefinierbarer Ger…
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27. Jul 24
Oh geht so
Geschmack, typisch alkfrei
Kaiser oho!
29. Mar 24
Naturtrüb mit dezenter Schaumkrone.
Es riecht wie ein alkoholfreies und schmeckt irgendwie komisch ungewohnt.