The NaturPils is brewed according to the traditional Pilsner brewing method. In the brewhouse, care is taken to carry out the mashing work particularly gently in order to make the beer color as light as possible. The first hop addition takes place before the cooking process begins in order to achieve a balanced bitterness. For the purest possible aroma, the beer is then fermented very cold and, after fermentation in the complex two-tank process, is given enough time to mature completely. The NaturPils is a classic Pils, brewed exclusively with aromatic hops. 100% organic - naturally good. The NaturPils is a solar beer, it is brewed and bottled with 100% regenerative energy.
Tolle fruchtige
Hopfennote, momentan mein Lieblingspils.
Schönes Sommerbier
1. Dec 24
Fruchtig frisch mit einer angenehmen Bitternote.
Bio Pils
14. Jul 24
schmeckt leicht säuerlich, mit Zitrusnoten, fein hopfig bitter. Gut trinkbar aber nicht mein Favorit
Gutes Pils
WM - gerne unterwegs (die Milch war eine Wette)
5. Jan 24
Die schöne Brauerei im Schwabenland an einer der landschaftlich reizvollsten Ecken im Ländle (nur Auto- und Bahnfahrer wissen das nicht unbedingt zu schätzen) macht handwerklich ei…