Scotch Ale/Wee Heavy
Beer type
Top fermented
Beer description
Brewed in 2013, Jingle Beer was Batch #43 and Austmann’s first ever juleøl. After deciding to change the Austmann labels was it shipped to Klostergården Håndverksbryggeri on a windswept island for a distillation project. Aaaaand Vinko forgot about it. After a full five years of ageing in a stone cellar Jørn from Klostergården called and said…“Nå driver jeg å pusser opp folkens.”
Vinko remembered.
We tried it and were blown away. It’s aged beautifully. It’s a full, malty, Belgian candy-sugar brew with decadent sweet plum and date notes. And boy is it smooth.
A keg found its way to BD57 back in 2016 and the last 20 reviews average out at an UnTappd-busting 4.04. The bottles are even better.
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