White-yellow and cloudy, this beer reveals its top-fermented brewing style. The white foam quickly makes room for the essentials: the beer. In the nose rise fine citrus aromas paired with nutty cereals from buckwheat. In the Antrunk welcome a short the yeast flavors and then make an overwhelming freshness of citrus place that leaves no room for bitterness. The fine fruit acid glides into the throat and lingers there until the finish, then to be accompanied by an elegant tartness. From the ingredients buckwheat, malt, rice, hops, yeast and orange peel and herbs such as coriander, a true world first has been brewed: gluten-free, organic and certified according to Fairtrade specifications. It is drunk from a conical beer glass at 5-6 ° C.
Buchweizen ist mal was Neues im Bier, Reis natürlich nicht. Der Rest dann klassisch Wit-typisch.
Optisch recht blass, leicht schlierig trüb und mit sehr feinporiger, ziemlich dünne…