After numerous brewing processes in cellars in recent years, the 3 guys from Hopfenkopf Bräu recently decided to introduce their hitherto most popular Kleinsud with professional equipment on a larger scale to a wider audience. From a variation of wheat and barley malt this wheat beer gets its strong color. In the antrunk, it is full-bodied and soft, with light citrus aromas, which are perfectly accentuated by Mandarina Bavaria hops. sMandal is still a classic wheat beer with fine, intense foam, suitable for both summer and winter.
Kräftiger Gelbton im Glas, der Schaum ist cremig und fein. Der Geruch ist definitiv Bananen dominiert und recht alkoholisch. Im Antrunk äusserst weich um nicht zu sagen zuruckhalte…
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28. May 24
Stabiles Weizen, godorange leicht trüb ,Mandarine und banane im Antrunk ,einfach gut ausbalanciert