Holzknechte, workers of the Bavarian woods. They were brave and hard-working in dangerous, dark places, therefore the dark toned beer style. A hazy hazel brown color with a thick and long-lasting white head. A big whiff brought overripe banana mixed with caramel, toffee, and faint clove. Flavor Profile is more notes of biscuit and bread malts. Barley and wheat show a little more robust as well. It's a little earthy, grainy taste to it. Mouth feel is medium-thick with a smooth, velvety texture. Overall, a malty, earthy beer. It's smooth and enjoyable throughout.
Creamy beautiful creation. The headsets perfectly. The color is a golden brown with a soft pleasant appeal. This is a glass I like to share many times over. I will revisit this bee…
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Chocolate Frozen Banana
25. Dec 19
Fruity banana nose. Large white head. Orange brown with sediment. Banana bread and a little chocolate. Dusty and sweet with a little fizz.
Come to the Dark Side
19. Dec 19
I prefer this Dark to any other Hefeweissen I’ve tried. I am a Dunkel devotee.
12. May 19
Das Design der Dose ist witzig mit dem "Holzknechr". Im Glas erscheint das Bier orange bräunlich und trüb. Der Schaum ist grobporig, groß und stabil. Der Geruch ist hefig, süßlich,…