A deep brownish amber beer finds its way into the glass and the crown also has a darker, creamy tone. But it only remains stable for a short time and the dark full moon night begins. Slightly sweet, fruity and nutty aromas develop on the nose and are accompanied by a clear note of malt. The gentle malt sweetness comes into its own in the initial taste - some nuts and chocolate. The carbon dioxide plays on tongue and palate and a pleasant, malty sweet body develops. The carbonic acid remains very present and dominant until the aftertaste and leaves us sparkling with malty and gently fruity nutty aromas.
„Gebraut nur zu Vollmond. Ein Versuch des Hasen den Mond in die Flasche zu bannen.“ Das Vollmondbier mit dem Luchs ist ein schöner frischer, recht hopfiger Bock. Überragend!