The name of this beer really says it all. With a deep red, somewhat coppery color, you are dealing with a color scheme that you do not often get into the glass. Clear and clear with a fine, slightly reddish cream-colored and not very stable foam on top. Intense malt aromas on the nose with light toasted notes and a pleasantly sweetish fruitiness that reminded me of dark berries. The fruitiness can only be felt very subtly in the initial taste, but the sweet malt tones come into their own with this very drinkable beer. The first subtle toasted notes are noticeable. Wonderful, creamy mouthfeel with perfect flavor. A medium body develops and is only slightly disturbed by the sparkling carbon dioxide, which is a bit too intense for my taste. The aftertaste, which is dominated by malt sweetness, has clear roasted notes and fades away for a long time. Hop-like bitter appearances stay away with this beer.
Wunderbar rötlich im Glas. Malz und Karamell mit einer fruchtiger Note. Honig.
Wenig Hopfenherbe. Sehr süffig
Schöne Farbe
WM - gerne unterwegs (die Milch war eine Wette)
12. Jan 24
Die seit 2015 unter Volllast brummende Brauerei am Neusiedler See haut immer wieder bemerkenswerte Biere heraus, die Spaß machen.
Bemerkenswert schöne Farbe zum guten Geschmack.
Golser Rotgold
27. Aug 23
FARBE: glanzfeine Mischung aus kastanienfarben und weichselfarben
SCHAUM:wenig, feinporig, nicht beständig
DUFT: Röstmalz und dunkle Beeren
GESCHMACK: Kaffe,Karamell, Weichsel. Nur…
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Golser Rotgold
8. Dec 22
Ein rotes, rostbraunes Bier aus Gols mit einer kurzen aber feinen Schaumkrone. In der Nase malzig und süßlich, beerigen Noten. Leichter Antrunk, bitterer Geschmack mit beerigen Not…