A whole quarter of the starch-supplying raw materials in this beer comes from the wildly grown chestnut from Central Burgenland as a ground raw fruit. Since the nuts, known colloquially as boxes, grow with a lot of starch and sugar, but do not have their own enzymatic power, these 25% also represent the largest possible proportion. The color of the beer naturally matches the chestnut. It presents itself as brown orange. Mild and nutty in the nose, the connection to chestnuts is later in the body and its somewhat wooden feel. A classic malty sweetness is rounded off by a somewhat tart and dry finish. Also striking is the tingling review, which takes the wind out of the sails of a mouthfeel that needs to be covered. Finally, this specialty convinces with mild indulgence and gracefully bedded chestnuts.
Im Dezember noch zufällig auf das Golser Kästensud, das Kastanienbier der Burgenländischen Brauerei, gestoßen! Schon beim öffnen der Flasche entgehen einem nicht die intensiven, fr…
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21. Jan 24
Ein klares kastanienfarbenes Bier mit sehr kurzer Krone. In der Nase süßlich nussige Noten. Erinnert an einen Kastanienreis. Voller Antrunk, prickelnde Kohlensäure mit leicht bitte…
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Auch spannend
WM - gerne unterwegs (die Milch war eine Wette)
12. Jan 24
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Maronen und Bier, sehr spannend!
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