Who hasn't heard of the Collabrew series from Reczer Ser? Remember when the legendary trio of Roli Utassy, Rage and Gabi Reczer teamed up to create Collabrew? Of course you do!
We were lucky enough to get the green light for another brew from it, a thousand thanks guys!
This time, the sörguruks from Etyek (Márk and Kende) teamed up with the faces of Wicked Water (Rage and Zoli), dusting off this recipe. They tweaked it a bit to their own taste and recreated this batch. Hop on and get on the nostalgia train! Egs!
And what is this beer? A massive wheat-based White Saison, spiced up with lots of rose wine, and blessed with a loose 6.1% alcohol content.
Geruch ganz leicht säuerlich, leichte IPA-Note. Schaum mittelprächtig. Leichter, typischer IPA -Geschmack, von Pfeffer jedoch nichts zu schmecken, auch nicht im Nachgeschmack. Sehr…