The traditional type of beer in our brewery. An ERLicher pleasure with a palatable taste note - harmonious and rounded in the aftertaste. Artisan brewed with 100% Hallertau natural hops and fresh in taste, as it is neither briefly heated nor pasteurized. A special award is the European Beer Star 2018 in bronze - as one of the three best out of more than 100 pals worldwide.
Bavaria's best experience: The Landbrauerei Ludwig Erl, Geiselhöring, is a Lower Bavarian family brewery that has dedicated itself personally to the art of brewing since 1871. The country-fresh beer enjoyment, awarded at the European Beer Star 2016, 2017 and 2018! At there is news, a beer menu and beer sources, as well as more about our brewing philosophy, sustainability and tradition.
Das Bier riecht leicht malzig und der Antrunk ist leicht bekömmlich und nur gering vollmundig. Im Mittelteil und Abgang klar malzbetont ohne viel Hopfen