The traditional beer type of the brewery. An ERLicher pleasure with a tasty taste - harmonious and rounded off in the aftertaste. Brewed by hand with 100% Hallertau natural hops and has a fresh taste, as it is neither briefly heated nor pasteurized. This special edition is a limited edition of the classic Erlkönig Hell in a 0.33l bottle with its own label/design. The brewery has revived an old label from the brewery's founding especially for the BeerTaster from the Kalea beer advent calendar. If this label goes down well, an introduction to the ERLesene range of beers from the Erl country brewery is possible. The Erlkönig Hell was awarded the Superior Taste Award in Brussels 2014, the international Craft Beer Award 2015. A special award is the European Beer Star 2018 in bronze, as third from over 100 participating Helle beers worldwide!
Probably the favourite of all the German beers I have tried so far, all the flavour notes got just right. A very foamy pour though. I would definitely go for a second pint with th…
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Erl Hell
24. May 24
Farbe: strohgelb mit einer minimalen Trübung aufgrund kleinster Schwebepartikel
Schaum: mittelporig, mittelstark ausgeprägt und mittellang haltend, klebt leicht am Glas
Geruch: ge…
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19. Feb 24
Würzig-mild malzige Note süffig feinherb
Erl Hell
16. Jan 24
Strohgoldenes Bier mit kurzer Krone. In der Nase ein fein herber Duft mit getreidigen Noten. Leichter Antrunk, angenehm prickelnd Kohlensäure mit sanft bitteren Geschmack und würzi…
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Hoppy lager
12. Jan 24
I like the smell of this beer. It promises something interesting in the taste but actually, it’s not there. Instead, it’s an easy drinking lager with gentle hop bitterness and flor…