Beer description
The story of Crabbie's begins in the early 19th century - merchant Miller Crabbie benefits from the hustle and bustle of Edinburgh's harbor, giving him access to exotic spices, including ginger. Unknowingly, he paves the way for his son John Crabbie to open the brewery, which would brew this extraordinary beer specialty more than 200 years later. The exact ingredients are a secret kept secret - but it is known that they are 4 in number and ginger is one of them - skilled beer tasters should thus have no problem identifying the other 3 ingredients. The face of the relief bottle is reminiscent of some cider brands, but this does not detract from the look: such a fancy beer may (or must?) Like to attract a bit more attention. The narrow label shows only the most necessary elements: the name, a short description and a small picture of the plant that makes the beer so special: ginger. Light gold presents Crabbie's Ginger Beer in the glass, quickly forms an opulent, clear-white head of foam, which decomposes quickly and just at the same time a strong ginger flavor spread - it was probably going out. In the Antrunk, the ginger prevails again, only the carbon dioxide and the light texture suggest that this is beer. Gradually traces of cinnamon, biscuit and exotic fruits are heard, which are replaced in the departure of a bittersweet and warming heaviness.
Überraschend gut, der Ingwer kommt nicht zu stark durch.
Crabbie‘s Original Ginger beer
Kölsche Räuber
Leicht herb. Nicht si spicy wie andere Ginger Beers
Heute im Glas: Crabbies Original Ginger Bier mit 4 Prozent Alkoholgehalt. Ja, es ist etwas schwach auf der Brust , aber mit Ingwer, was es quasi zum Gemüsebier macht. Das Etikett i…
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Bernsteinfarben und glasklar mit geringer Schaumkrone. Intensiver Ingwergeruch. Süß im Antrunk, jedoch setzt direkt danach die Schärfe des Ingwers ein … scharf … gut irgendwie, wen…
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