Engineered with the principles of modulus, this IPA forms a resilient structure of hop and malt, offering a flavor experience that endures the test of exploration.
Here we have a New Zealand hops-focused DIPA, or shall we call it a NZDIPA? Funfact: New Zealand hops are usually very strong in flavor so a nice challenge for our brewers to not let it overpower our brew.
Introducing Kohatu, a hop that is also new to us, brings a sweet tropical fruit aroma, Motueka contributes crushed citrus fruit with residual sweetness that reminds us of mojitos. You know, hints of lemon, lime, and fresh herbs. The yeast, traditionally used for New England IPAs, enhances the brew with beautiful peachy aromas and a full body. Certainly a brew that welcomes any moment, elevating your mood to something more... fresh and fruity! Cheers!
Gelblich, Orange und milchig trüb. Cremige, feinporige Blume. Fruchtig, zitroniger Duft in der Nase. Fruchtiger Antrunk. Mango und Grapefruit. Würzig, herb mit cremiger Konsistenz.…
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7. Apr 24
Granatenstarkes NEIPA. Intensive Frucht, dabei unglaublich weich und süffig. Der Alkohol ist aber dennoch spürbar. Pfirsich und Zitrus geben sich hier die Ehre und umgarnen den Gau…
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22. Mar 24
Eine langgestreckte, feinporige Krone von formstabiler Beschaffenheit thront auf einem mangoorangefarbenen Grund. Die nasalen Aromen sind eher verhalten, werden aber von Ananas, Ma…