Top fermented
Beer description
Cooperation with Maurits, MASH PIT This stick (Imperial Altbier) - an enticing trio of East Kent Golding, opal and pearl hops, with malt and roasted notes that give a soft, bitter finish and a creamy head - is the winner of the SLOSH home brewing competition in Mashpit. And with a hearty 6.1 ABV, this alt scores a point for as many tops (-vergorene brews) in this world as saucers. Hop Cooking: Pearl, Opal, East Kent Golding Whirlpool: Pearl, Opal, East Kent Golding Grain change Pale Ale Malt, Munich Malt, Wheat Malt, Caramel Malt Dark, Weyermann Carafa Type 2
Sehr ordentlich
WM - gerne unterwegs (die Milch war eine Wette)
Kleine, feine Brauerei mit klarem politischen Statement und leckeren Bieren. Unterstützenswert!