Copper colored Vienna lager with bright clarity, soft, smooth maltiness and moderate bitterness brewed by decoction mashing. We use raw materials from organic cultivation for the brewing process certified by Biokontroll Hungária Nonprofit Kft. Each batch is individually accredited to be gluten-free. The gluten-free products are tested in the accredited laboratory of SGS Hungária Kft., using the official method approved by the AOAC international organization.
Wenn jemand nach glutenfreiem Bier sucht, ist dies eine ziemlich gute Wahl.
Premium Lager 🤔
8. Oct 21
Urlaubsmitbringsel aus Ungarn 😎.
Wenig aussagendes Etikett.
Farblich im Glas bernsteinfarben mit rasch verschwindendem Schaum.
Malziger Geruch.
Malziger, recht süsser Geschmack,