This beer is a tribute. A tribute to the past. The times from Stöfflbräu. Because before Bierol took over the brewing kettles in Schwoich in 2014, Peter Bichler brewed a Helles for the Stöfflhütte on the Walleralm and his former restaurant - the first beer from and for the district of Kufstein. His son Christoph then took over the brewery with friends Max and Marko. And also the recipe from Stöffl Hell. Now they have breathed new life into this beer and with the Schwoicher Helles they have developed a modern interpretation of a classic Kellerbier.
Spalter Select aromatic hop, Perle aromatic hop, Magnum bitter hop
Goldgelb mit leichter Trübung. Stabile Krone. Macht einen guten ersten Eindruck. Leicht säuerlicher, zitroniger Duft. Grasiger, malziger Antrunk. Herb im Abgang.
19. Jul 24
Vorhin auf der Stöfflhütte (Walleralm) getrunken: sehr hopfig und schmeckt eher wie ein Sommerbier.