Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Beer type
Beer description
Light Saison beer with Guava.
The beer aroma combines the fruity and slightly acidic character of the yeast with the guava fruit, which has a sweet and slightly musky aroma. Wealth and complexity are present here, with aromas of spices and tropical fruits. The fermentation of this beer occurs at higher temperatures than most other Ales , enriching the fruity character of the recipe.
The flavor of the beer follows the aroma, refreshing the palate and providing an explosion of flavors and sensations, with emphasis on the taste of the guava and the fruity and citrus characteristics of the drink. The bitterness from the hops is moderate, but present, for the best balance of the whole.
The beer has a golden-straw color and has medium turbidity, natural because it is not filtered. The white foam is fine and generous, with medium retention.
The carbonation is medium-high and the body is very dry, increasing the sensation of freshness and resembling champagne, while valuing the local production of Brazilian malts and fruits.
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