Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Beer type
Beer description
Light beer Saison type with Pineapple.
The beer aroma is fruity and refreshing, the result of the combination of esters produced in fermentation with the presence of the fruit. Aromas of orange, apple, mint and pineapple present themselves, inviting the first sip. Aroma of cloves and caramel are discreetly noticed as well. This beer uses a specific variety of yeast that is fermented in a specific temperature range, higher than the average, highlighting the fruity character.
The beer has a flavor that accompanies the aroma, with the presence of fruits and spices. Slightly sweet start, giving way to intense fruity that combines acid and sweet in a very peculiar way. The hoppy character is very moderate, present only to ensure balance.
The beer is straw-colored and has medium turbidity, natural because it is not filtered. The white foam is fine and generous, with medium retention.
The carbonation is medium-high, according to the style, with a very dry body, to enhance the feeling of freshness, sometimes resembling a semi-sparkling wine.
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