For the sixth edition of our Artbeer, we were able to inspire the Hamburg artist duo SUTOSUTO with the idea. Together with them, our master brewers have brewed a Hazy IPA - full-bodied, smooth and not too bitter. Our Maisel & Friends Hazy IPA - designed by SUTOSUTO - has an intense cloudiness in true style, as you would expect from this beer style. The juicy, yellow-orange hue of our Artbeer immediately makes you want to take your first sip. The interplay of the different hop varieties conjures up an aroma reminiscent of apricot, mirabelle plum, pineapple and a hint of strawberries and blueberries in combination with citrus peel. The light body of the beer ensures a creamy-soft mouthfeel, which is pleasantly underlined by the fruity hop notes - drinkability guaranteed!
👀 gelb orange trübe, mit schöner, aber nicht sehr stabiler, überwiegend feinporiger Blume
👃 Tropenfruchtig und harzig
👅 Fruchtig frisch,ganz leicht süss, ein wenig Maracuja, vi…