IPA Apocalyptic Thunder is the last beer you've ever drunk. A celebration until the end of time. The ones you have been waiting for all your life. We praise the New Zealand IPA in the race for the freshest IPA. We bring you our version, cloudy, moist and juicy. You will feel alive as the world around you collapses. Take a seat, watch the world as it burns and hear "REM - It's the end of the world as we know it".
Durch die citrus-note im Abgang sehr bitter für meinen Geschmack
9. Aug 24
Fruchtiges, hopfiges, süßliches und im Abgang hopfenbitteres IPA.
25. Dec 23
Grapefruit Bier, Sammlung
BBE 11/22
10. Nov 23
Foamy head, very fruity, mouthfeel ok. Obviously out of date but didnt think much of this
12. Sep 23
Fruchtiger, leicht hopfiger Geschmack mit deutlicher Bitterkeit, Noten von Ananas, frischen Kräutern, Nektarine und Zitrusschale. Gefällt mir extrem gut!