Brewed since 1672 with pale ale, chocolate malt and first gold hops, Broadside is a dark ruby red beer rich in fruitcake flavors, almonds and preserved fruits.
Malty, strong, fruity sweet. A proper and wonderful English Ale.
• Broadside, 6,3%
Horst Voll
16. Jan 24
Ein Strong Ale aus Suffolk, gebraut zum Andenken an irgend eine verlorene Seeschlacht, der Legende nach soffen der Admiral und die Besatzungen gerade friedlich Unmengen an Bier, al…
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Pleasantly surprised
16. May 22
I focus mainly on IPAs and draught ales, so I wasn't expecting too much on my first encounter with this bottled beer. Yet I was surprised at the depth of flavour, perhaps a little …