Less and less summer barley

Less and less summer barley

The German Malting Barley Association (Braugersten-Gemeinschaft e.V.) has compiled its annual seed status report for summer barley and states: The summer barley area in Germany unexpectedly plummets by 17% to about 300,000 hectares.

Several reasons are given for the extreme reduction in acreage. There is the sharp rise in feed barley prices and the resulting shrinking malting barley premium. The lucrative offers of other market crops, such as spelt, have also led to a move away from summer barley. The sharp downturn in the national and international beer market, with the potential uncertainty in the marketing of malting barley, probably plays an additional role.

The overall very cool and rainy summer has been good for the cereal crops in Germany. Although the development of the summer barley stands is somewhat behind the long-term average, the stands are in good shape and lead us to expect a high-quality and quantitatively above-average harvest.

Let's hope that the severe storms have not worsened the prospects for good harvests!

Source: German Malting Barley Association e.V.
Photo: Bruno Kelzer - Unsplash

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