Big Bew 2021

Big Bew 2021

Big Brew is the largest worldwide celebration of the hobby and participants are encouraged to take the Big Brew Pledge to be counted in this year's event.

In 1988, May 7th was announced before Congress as National Homebrew Day. The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) created Big Brew as an annual event occurring on the first Saturday in May, to celebrate the best hobby there is - homebrewing.

This year, on May 1, homebrewers, craft beer fans, and DIYers are invited to make beer and participate in the worldwide celebration.

The official Big Brew recipes for this year are the National Homebrew Competition (NHC) award-winning Janet’s American Brown Ale and the tropical and juicy Star Gazer IPA. Each recipe can be found online and features techniques for beginners and experienced brewers. Order brewing ingredients from a local homebrew supply shop using the AHA directory of homebrew shops.

More information:
Source: American Homebrewers Association
Foto: AHA, Facebook

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