A traditional beer from Herrnbräu

A traditional beer from Herrnbräu

The brewery dates back to the 17th century when a couple of breweries united and founded the Aktienbrauerei Ingolstadt.
In 1882 Herrnbräu resulted out of a fusion. For over 130 years now, Herrnbräu stands for beers of highest quality.

The Tradition beer is slightly sweet up front and all the way into the faintly spicy and bready aftertaste. Grassy and nutty notes appear earlier on, with grassy hops lingering on. Clear golden body with loads of visible carbonation topped by a moderately durable white head that leaves patterned lacing. Medium-light body and medium-high carbonation.

Martin has interviews Klaus from Herrnbräu about our daily beer:


briegee • vor 6 Jahren
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