A new update has just been released!

A new update has just been released!

Dear BeerTasters, we have good news: A new update has just been released!

As usual, numerous bugs have been fixed, but we won't go into them in detail. The main thing is that these bugs are gone now, right?

We have also added a new feature to the app: Under the burger menu (the 3 dashes on the far right of the main navigation), you'll now find a button called "Features & Extensions". There we will gradually add planned features to the app, which you can upvote or downvote. This way we can see which features are most important to you and include these results in our development planning. If you are missing a feature, you can request it via mail using the plus in the upper right corner. Try it out right now!

Currently we are still working on the discrepancies in the profile that some users told us about. In some places the given numbers are not correct. This bug will be fixed soon! Don't worry, you don't have to install another update for this - this fix comes without a dedicated update.

The development of the brewery view is also in full swing. We have heard your requests and will implement them as soon as possible. Please be patient, we will definitely make it in the first quarter of 2023!

Of course, we continue to work on bugs and other features in parallel, but the prioritization is clearly on the brewery view at the moment. We hope that this is in your interest and we are already looking forward to the further updates that we will present to you in the coming weeks and months.

Now we would like to wish you a lot of fun with the app and remain

with beery greetings
Your BeerTasting Team


Pedro R. • vor 2 Jahren
Cool. Looking forward to these improvements.

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