
With the Brasserie de Saverne, France has since 1989 KARLSBRAU a single production unit of its kind. Located between vineyards and forests in the heart of a small fortified city in the north of Alsace, Alsatian bridgehead of Karlsberg continues the tradition of great land of brewers. This resolutely regional focus naturally is reflected in the products brewed by Brasserie de Saverne. Blonde, thin and light, the beer of the Unicorn was born trade secrets that are passed from generation to generation brewers Saverne, Tres Tabernae, literally the "City of Three Taverns" and was called by the Romans. The Unicorn name is a nod to the emblematic animal of Saverne. According to legend, captured by a young Savernoise, the Unicorn would have dipped his horn in the water source of the city to give it forever purity and clarity. Genuine products of Alsace, Christmas beers, flavored beers and coolers March of the Unicorn still reinforce the anchoring of the Brasserie in the local tradition. The expertise of the Brasserie de Saverne also recognition at the national level through the production of beer marketed under private labels. One area in which the savernoise brewery has become, over the past ten years, one of the leading specialists in France.