Die Feiertage bei Tröegs beginnen damit, dass der innere Verrückte Elf von Troegs Brewing vorübergehend die Brauerei übernimmt. Also schiebe "ihn" dafür verantwortlich, dass diese fröhliche rubinrote Kreation mit Honig, Kirschen und belgischem Hefepilz gebraut wird, der an Zimt, Nelken und Piment erinnert.
Cherries ,wildflowers , warm toasted malt.
Nice full Pennsylvania Holiday Ale with subtle spicey notes at the end.
Did I mention the Cherries ? Bing, Lambert, Vann, Royale Ann and …
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Bottled holiday cheer
16. Jan 22
Cheery and cherry, smooth but potent, bright fruit notes. Reminds me of the holiday season with every sip. Sitting here at home with my wife and dog relaxing while watching the sno…
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Look forward to it every year
6. Dez 21
Dark but not heavy. Great honey notes
Holiday Buzz
6. Dez 19
Excellent notes of cherry and honey, like a mix of ale and mead. Smooth, and with a side note of cinnamon, chocolate, and Christmas.