Since the 1920s the small town of Großköllnbach is home to the prestigious brewery Egerer. Today the brewery is owned by the same family, now in fourth generation. Purest water from its own well, the Heinrich-Franz-Well, is only one of the key ingredients that make great beers from Egerer. Malts sourced from regional producers and hops from the nearby Hallertau finalize the products.
This beer was named after the dray-man (in german Bierkutscher) who used to deliver the beer in this region until the 1950s.
Pours a clear golden colour with white head that leaves some spotty lacing on the glass. Aroma is grassy with some floral notes and grains. Taste is a grassy and light spicy hop bitterness with a malty sweetness. Grainy mouthfeel. Light bodied with good carbonation. Overall, a typical German Pilsener style brew
Dieses Hellgold opaleszierende Pils mit durchschnittlicher Schaumkrone riecht malzig sowie fruchtig.
Im Geschmack stark süßer Antrunk hervorgerufen durch den Malzkörper. Am Ende t…
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28. Feb 21
Bisschen malzig süßer als typische pilsner. Trd keine tschechischen Noten. Für mich wie ein etw bittergehopftes Export.
Crisp and Clean
10. Jan 20
Wheat nose. Pale yellow. White foam. Light, clear. Soft mineral mouth. Bold bready biscuit. Meaty hop bitter back. Ongoing bubbles. Flatter.
8. Dez 19
A different type of Pils, it’s ok.
Taste fine with a bit a kock
7. Dez 19
Smells food, looks good. I'm a bit back and forth on taste but overall a good beer.