Kuchlbauer - Alte Liebe Dunkle Weisse Can Rezensionen

(1245 Bewertungen)
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It’s bananas!
A very good dunkelweizen. Full-bodied mouthfeel with a creamy finish. It’s got a sweet, nutty flavor and a toasted bread aroma. The aftertaste is reminiscent of eating a banana.
Etwas wässrig
...aber geschmacklich gar nicht übel. Könnte für ein dunkles ein paar Umdrehungen mehr haben. Fruchtig süß mit einer leichten malzigen Note. Rund um ein gelungenes Weizen. #dunkel
Malziges süßes Weißbier
Warmer malzig süßer Geschmack
Rich Flavour
Jason Batchelor
Old fashion beer, gives that full mouth flavour. Not necessarily a beer that I'd be going back for seconds, but it's quite nice.
Roasty Toasty
I don’t often have dark beers but this one has won me. A flavoursome, creamy beer thats just a little sweet but with a clean finish.
Dunkle Weisse
CT-Craft - Christan - Hausbrauer (IHK) und Biersommelier (DOEMENS)
Trüb und dunkelgolden mit feinporigem Schaum in Eierschalfarbe, malzige Nase, feine Reszens bei vollem Mundgefühl nach Malz, kaum Bittere aber leichte Süße im Abgang.
Smooth for a Dunkel
Rich flavor but not at all heavy. Doesn't have the bite of most Weizens very drinkable and enjoyable.
Stefan Mueller
Igitt, was is das, grausig. Rauchbier. Weih
Pretty light for a dunkel
Slartibart Fast
Hint of smoke at first, then fruit/banana in the after taste. Light and fresh for a dunkel.
Crisp and full of flavor while still remaining pretty light
Steve hric
Good beer in my favorite style
Mmm had this last time
Its good. For sure, but it would be nice is the beers changed out a bit year to year. Do love Dunkels!
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